DI k. 9


Lingt is unable to access your microphone.

The reason for this is an error of type PermissionDeniedError. To fix this, try refreshing the page, ensure that a microphone is connected to your computer, or allow audio permission if it was previously denied.

If problems persist, please contact us at support@lingt.com for help.

Lingt needs to use your microphone.

Click "Allow" and check "Remember" and then click the "Close" button.

You may hear each question 1 time.  You have a maximum of 10 seconds to engage the  record button without being penalized. I will receive a report which will time stamp when you first heard the questions and when you answered it. Make sure to follow guidelines to receive full credit.

Refer to the map given to you. 
Refer to the map. You are starting at the train station. Give directions for the requested locations. You are talking to an adult who is driving. Give the correct command form.

Required if you would like to receive feedback from your teacher.