At the grocer's


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Write a dialogue between a grocer and a customer. Record the dialogue here. (You are the customer, your mother, father, sibling or ... is the grocer.)

The customer orders his fruit and his vegetables at a counter, so the grocer has to take them.

The customer wants five different items and orders them using the British measures (p. 70). There's one of these five things that the grocer hasn't got anymore, for which he appologises.

The customer orders something as a replacement and pays.

Be polite, mind the tips on p. 68!
Bonus points:

The customer comes back, something he has bought was rotten and he wants his money back. He doesn't have to be polite this time, because the grocer refuses to believe him.

If you do not want bonus points, just record: "No, thank you!"
Is there something you would still to remark/to say? Write "No, thank you!" if you don't.
Required if you would like to receive feedback from your teacher.