Dramatic Interpretation/Reading Aloud


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Read through the entire text first. Understand what is happening. I have bold-faced the part of each word so that you know where to place the stress. 
Enjoy the story! Happy recording!
Duo amīcī ad rīvum ambulant.  rīvus, rīvī m. river

Mārcus pecūniam in mediā viā videt et clāmat,

 “Spectā pecūniam in viā!”  

Iūlius ad pecūniam festīnat. 

Pecūniam in manū tenet manū et Iulius clāmat,

 “Pecūnia est mea!” 

 “Sed,” respondet Marcus, “ego prīmus pecūniam vidēbam.”
 Mox amīcī pugnant. 
Subito magnus nauta venit. 
Amīcōs videt et clāmat,  “Nōlīte pugnāre, amīcī! 
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