Fr 2: Exercices de Prononciation (2ème partie)


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A.  Les Voyelles

Do not hesitate to re-record as many times as needed to get the BEST pronunciation as possible.

1. A: -->   La glace..... le coca....  la  tomate


2. E: --> le beurre.... le petit déjeuner

3. I: --> l'apéritif ..... le mixeur

4. O: --> la tomate... le chocolat

5. U: --> le sucre.... la laitue... éplucher

B.  Les Consonnes Finales

Do not hesitate to re-record as many times as needed to get the BEST pronunciation as possible.

Record the following words

6. le plat

7. le chocolat chaud

8. le repas

9. le jus d'orange

10. le biscuit

11. le boeuf

12.  la cuiller

C.  Les Sons

Do not hesitate to re-record as many times as needed to get the BEST pronunciation as possible.

13.  le poivron

14. boire

15. Le saucisson

16. boire de l'eau

17. le couteau

18. la fourchette

19. la moutarde

20. mélanger

21. l'entrée

22. l'invitation

23.  cinquante


25. goûter

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