3/7 晚上去打保龄球


Lingt is unable to access your microphone.

The reason for this is an error of type PermissionDeniedError. To fix this, try refreshing the page, ensure that a microphone is connected to your computer, or allow audio permission if it was previously denied.

If problems persist, please contact us at support@lingt.com for help.

Lingt needs to use your microphone.

Click "Allow" and check "Remember" and then click the "Close" button.

1. 请录音:读课文,回答以下的问题。 
2. 请用3-5句句子说出这个故事的重点/大意。 (
3. 在这个故事里,谁打保龄球打得最好?为什么?
4. 你打过保龄球吗?如果你打过保龄球,你喜欢吗?为什么?如果你没有打过保龄球,你会像学吗?为什么?
Required if you would like to receive feedback from your teacher.